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Location: Canada

About us... Well, we are a young couple who met, fell in love, got married and now are livin' and lovin' life together. We have three amazing boys who bring joy, excitements and love in our lives. We're a couple who loves hanging out with our friends and family, talking about life, sharing life with and loving others, even playing games once in a while (though Ronnie gets a bit competitive), being at home with our family and going on adventures. But most of all we love Jesus and hope that the lives we live show it. We love and appreciate all of you who are continually supporting us in so many different ways. We know that without you sharing life with us in so many different ways, that the journey would be much harder. So please know that we are truely grateful for you and the way that you and partnering with us as we share our KING and His kingdom with all those in our world. May God richly bless you and the ones you love. In Jesus' mighty name! Ronnie & Janelle +

Saturday, August 19, 2006

August Prayer Update

Prayer Requests

August 2006

  • That Janelle would get an excllent job as soon as possible
  • That we would continue to build and bond the friendships we have begun to create
  • That we would be able to get involved in the life of the church and serve them with our giftings as well as NLI
  • That I would continue to grow in my position at NLI and be able to serve the Church Planting department with excellence
  • That I would be able to contribute to both the OPS team and the Internship Program at NLI and to use my strengths to help serve those areas of our ministry
  • That we would have new financial partners come on board to help us reach our monthly budget
Thank you,
Much Love and Many blessings,
Ronnie +


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan and I will pray right now.

10:33 PM, August 22, 2006  
Blogger MoldableClay said...

Thanks so much!!! Soo Great to get a comment from you guys! Blessings!

9:11 AM, August 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:23 PM, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Courtney said...

Didn't know you had a prayer blog - now I do. Great idea. You are officially (again) being added to my list.

10:34 PM, September 08, 2006  

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