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Location: Canada

About us... Well, we are a young couple who met, fell in love, got married and now are livin' and lovin' life together. We have three amazing boys who bring joy, excitements and love in our lives. We're a couple who loves hanging out with our friends and family, talking about life, sharing life with and loving others, even playing games once in a while (though Ronnie gets a bit competitive), being at home with our family and going on adventures. But most of all we love Jesus and hope that the lives we live show it. We love and appreciate all of you who are continually supporting us in so many different ways. We know that without you sharing life with us in so many different ways, that the journey would be much harder. So please know that we are truely grateful for you and the way that you and partnering with us as we share our KING and His kingdom with all those in our world. May God richly bless you and the ones you love. In Jesus' mighty name! Ronnie & Janelle +

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Interview Next Week

Dear faithful prayer supporters...Thanks for your faithful prayers. I just wanted to let you know that I have a interview next week with a research team at a Cancer clinic. The job is to be a chemotherapy nurse. The job is only part time, but looks like it would be very desirable hours and environment. I'm oddly enough quite nervous. If you could please pray for me! Really that God's will be done. If its the right job for me, that I'd get it. Otherwise that another door would open.
Thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think God uses my children to wake me so that I will pray for you. I thought about making a deal with God to pray more for you during the day so I could get some sleep at night, but "oddly" enough, when you are asleep, I am awake and when we should be sleeping, you are awake. You are in my prayers. (Sleep is overrated.)

2:26 PM, September 22, 2006  

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