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Location: Canada

About us... Well, we are a young couple who met, fell in love, got married and now are livin' and lovin' life together. We have three amazing boys who bring joy, excitements and love in our lives. We're a couple who loves hanging out with our friends and family, talking about life, sharing life with and loving others, even playing games once in a while (though Ronnie gets a bit competitive), being at home with our family and going on adventures. But most of all we love Jesus and hope that the lives we live show it. We love and appreciate all of you who are continually supporting us in so many different ways. We know that without you sharing life with us in so many different ways, that the journey would be much harder. So please know that we are truely grateful for you and the way that you and partnering with us as we share our KING and His kingdom with all those in our world. May God richly bless you and the ones you love. In Jesus' mighty name! Ronnie & Janelle +

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March Prayer Update

Please Pray for:

  • Ronnie & Janelle that God would continue to prepare and equip us for this next season of life, and for the joys and challenges of being parents.
  • Janelle and the baby that everything would continue to go well and grow steadily. That the baby would be delivered easily and perfectly healthy.
  • For Ronnie as he travels to Czech Republic at the end of the month to meet potential church planters at the ALTC and begin to build relationships with many of the individuals that may be a part of the church planting project beginning in Ostrava in January 2008
  • That God would continue to bring along side us individual or churches who are wanting to pray for us and financially partner with us to see God kingdom advances through what we are doing in Europe and share with us in the eternal fruits of our labour.
Thank you for all of your continued support and encouragement, it is such a blessing to be a part of God's great work. Please do keep us in your prayers.
Much Love & Many Blessings
R, J & Baby Zerr +


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